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代表取締役社長 原澤静男

“As a pioneer of precision parts machining, our goal is to spread Japanese quality around the world.”

Seira products are small components that can go unseen but as a manufacturer for precision components and machining, we produce quality products to be proud for the global market by a rigid temperature controlled environment.
We are constantly working to adapt to market and environmental changes, such as the continuous trend towards smaller and lighter PCs and smart devices.
One of our strengths is that the automation of our plant enables us to manufacture high-precision products while incurring minimal personnel expenses.
The current trend in mass production is to reduce costs through foreign outsourcing but we hope to support your product development by producing samples and initial products with precise quality in-country. Furthermore, we are taking a global perspective and will look to create a system that will enable us to accept orders from overseas. We want to expand awareness of Japanese technology overseas and promote the quality of Japanese machining technology.
We are proactively participating in various exhibits around the country. Feel free to contact us with any inquiries and estimate requests in such opportunities.

Company Profile

会社名 株式会社 セイラ
英文商号 SEIRA Co.,Ltd.
Date of founding Founded: October 20, 1948 (Harasawa Screw Manufacturing)
Company establishment: April 23, 1991
Location 83-6 Shidami, Kazo-shi, Saitama inside the Kazo Musashino Industrial Park

TEL 0480-61-6101 FAX 0480-61-6102
Business operations: Machining of precision components such as screws, shafts, and metal parts, and machining of device components,
Hydraulics components, low-current special screws, architectural hardware, OA equipment
Capital 20 million yen
Executives Shizuo Harasawa, Representative Director
Employees 7
Transaction banks Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank (Omiya Branch),
Saitamaken Shinkin Bank (Kazo Branch),
Musashino Bank (Kazo Branch), Ashikaga Bank (Kazo Branch)

Recruit Information

Not currently recruiting
